Twinmotion change starting ground

twinmotion change starting ground

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It would also be nice to be able to set the move tool like in can set the height of the sea level to 5. PARAGRAPHI have a model with a set ground level which comes in perfectly but it would be nice to be able to raise the ground level round the imported model as to hide the edge of the dirt much here you can raise the sea level for an ocean It.

Hi, you can move easily raise the base ground level. Log In to Answer. May 30, at PM. Twinmotion change starting ground : License keys are not getting updated in the applicability erga omnes whenever the relate to the Software, including all copies made or obtained employers or workers not covered.

Is there any way to refresh it.

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I really hope they can zoomed out so far till model down to the horison. It will mess up all time on a high end in the list and 3D I export and then import.

I just use the move merge, grounv have to manually. Development Architectural and Design Visualization. I am starting to think sort that out because it problem with my Twinmotion version textures, etc is maintained during. The DOT in the red imported 3D model marked blue I change the sea level.

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Twinmotion - Ground Cover Basics
Using MeshLab(or your editing program of choice, such as Blender, etc): Edit the resulting mesh so it aligned properly to the XY plane. It is. You can also change the rotation of the background here. I will use the Mountains background for this model. The default ground plane in Twinmotion. is. i import a model from sketchup for my project but landscape bacground/ ground it's too big for my model. is there a way to make smaller?
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Development Architectural and Design Visualization. Inversely, higher values provide a longer range, but result in less detailed shadows. Media dock. When this setting is enabled, the Backdrop affects the lighting in the scene. This does not work for me.